Author Archives: Hilary St. Louis

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Is a parenting coordinator a good option for my divorce?

No one hopes for a divorce. If you’re facing this reality, you’re probably not happy about it. Even if your rational mind realizes it’s best for you and your partner…

When you’re going through a divorce, your dog’s hurting too.

You and your spouse have decided to call it quits. You’re probably busy divvying up your possessions, making claims on shared friends and sorting out your alimony. What you probably…

How to build the right legal protections for your business

If you’re starting a new business, it’s important to take the right preparatory steps to protect yourself and prevent legal trouble down the road. In today’s post, we discuss three…

Co-parent communication with apps: keeping kids out of the middle

It should come as no surprise that co-parents find it challenging to keep in close communication with their former partner after separation or divorce. Ultimately, most parents understand the importance…

Can your commute time affect your marriage?

You and your wife have spent your entire married life in Concord. You bought a house here. You raised a family here. And you’ve both had satisfying careers here. But…

How dangerous is it to drive while drowsy?

There has been a growing push in recent years to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and texting while driving. Such behaviors pose real threats to safety on…

How to find a divorce lawyer who has your best interests at heart

It finally happened. You and your spouse decided to pull the plug. You’d been unhappy together for years. You saw this moment coming. Nonetheless, the decision to terminate your marriage…

Before you say, “I do” to a business partnership, get a prenup.

We’ve talked in previous articles about the practical benefits of getting a prenuptial agreement before entering into marriage. A matrimonial partnership and a business partnership have more in common than…

What does it mean to be separated in North Carolina?

If you are separated in North Carolina, then you cannot reside in the same home, except under very limited circumstances. This separation waiting period must go uninterrupted, for a minimum…

You decided to divorce. Now how do you tell your kids?

When you and your spouse decide to part ways, there are a whirlwind of emotions to contend with. You may be filled with grief, anger and bewilderment. It can be…

When a vocational evaluation can be useful in a divorce

When a couple with children divorces, the court usually orders the higher earning party to pay alimony and child support to the lower earning party. The court uses standard guidelines…

How effective is the bicycle helmet law?

Going for a bike ride may seem like a safe enough pastime, but it can actually be quite dangerous. Bicycle accidents often lead to serious injury or even death—particularly among…

Post-divorce: claiming your ex-spouse’s Social Security benefits

You and your ex were married for most of your lives. But after the kids were grown and the spark was gone, you started to question why you were still…

What is required for stepparent adoption in North Carolina?

If you and your spouse have been wondering about whether to pursue stepparent adoption, make sure you understand the requirements before you get started on the process. In North Carolina,…

Financial planning checklist for your divorce

Divorce can be long, emotionally draining and expensive. When many people begin the divorce process, they many not fully anticipate all of the financial factors that go into divorcing. Alimony…