Author Archives: Hilary St. Louis

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Financial mistakes to avoid during your divorce

Divorce means that almost every aspect of your life will change. This includes your financial situation. Unfortunately, if you aren’t sure how to protect yourself and safeguard your finances, you…

What is a child’s best interest in a divorce?

A court will look to do what is in the child’s best interests when determining custody in a divorce. It is a vague concept that will vary from family to…

How do you address a co-parent who doesn’t show up for the kids?

Co-parenting with your ex after the end of your relationship will be a challenge even if both of you commit to being respectful and focusing on the kids. If your…

Prenuptial agreements are an increasingly common marriage tool

Some people think of prenuptial agreements as a couple planning ahead for the failure of their relationship. However, many people now think of prenuptial agreements as a form of insurance.…

The reason you need a QDRO to split your retirement account

Equitable distribution in a divorce helps protect everyone. Since the goal is fairness, spouses have an opportunity to ask for consideration based on issues ranging from health concerns to the…

How do I deal with an ex who won’t let me see my child?

Divorce or separation can be emotionally taxing. One of the issues a divorcing couple must deal with if they have a child together is custody arrangement. Depending on the arrangement,…

Is it possible to adopt your stepchild in North Carolina?

When you marry someone who already has a child, that child becomes your stepchild. You’re in a kind of precarious position as their new parent because you don’t necessarily have…

Why stay off social media during your divorce?

If you share your life on social media, you need to think carefully about what you post when divorcing. Things that were fine to do a few months back could…

Domestic violence can impact your North Carolina divorce

ivorce in itself can be hectic. But divorce that involves allegations of domestic violence can be a different ballgame. Whether you are the victim of domestic violence or your spouse…

How is debt divided in a North Carolina divorce?

Money matters are among the most contentious issues in a divorce. In cases where the couple cannot agree on how to divide property and debt, the court will step in…

Why not to keep the house after divorce

Many people who get divorced try to figure out how they can keep the house. This is especially common for parents who have young children, as they don’t want to…

Parenting after divorce: 2 tips to make co-parenting work

No one gets married expecting to divorce or separate. Unfortunately, one in two marriages ends in divorce in the United States. If you have children, the relationship with your ex…

Who gets your child’s furniture and belongings in a divorce?

Getting a divorce often requires you to divide up your assets and decide who will receive items like furniture or household belongings. When you have a child, this creates a…

Watch out for SIDS if your divorce includes a family business

Some people know for a while that their marriage is ending. This gives them time to prepare, but it also gives those who are so inclined time to try to…

Does adultery matter in a North Carolina divorce?

Social mores have changed considerably over the decades. Adultery is no longer seen as a major taboo by many people — but does it matter in your divorce? In North…