Author Archives: Hilary St. Louis

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Why not to keep the house after divorce

Many people who get divorced try to figure out how they can keep the house. This is especially common for parents who have young children, as they don’t want to…

Parenting after divorce: 2 tips to make co-parenting work

No one gets married expecting to divorce or separate. Unfortunately, one in two marriages ends in divorce in the United States. If you have children, the relationship with your ex…

Who gets your child’s furniture and belongings in a divorce?

Getting a divorce often requires you to divide up your assets and decide who will receive items like furniture or household belongings. When you have a child, this creates a…

Watch out for SIDS if your divorce includes a family business

Some people know for a while that their marriage is ending. This gives them time to prepare, but it also gives those who are so inclined time to try to…

Does adultery matter in a North Carolina divorce?

Social mores have changed considerably over the decades. Adultery is no longer seen as a major taboo by many people — but does it matter in your divorce? In North…

Can you get a custody modification over holiday disputes?

Custody orders or not, it’s not unusual for divorced parents to end up in disputes over their holiday plans. Usually, those disputes center around who has the children at what…

Circumstances under which you may not receive alimony

After years of trying to make your marriage work, you and your spouse may be headed toward a divorce. You may have filed the papers, or your spouse filed the…

What is your separate property in a North Carolina divorce?

Your separate property won’t get split up by the North Carolina family court when you divorce. Figuring out which assets are your separate property is an important part of the…

How are child support obligations enforced in North Carolina?

If you or your ex-spouse has received orders to pay monthly child support in Concord, it is crucial to understand how the enforcement system works. If you are the parent…

3 common questions parents have about custody

Physical custody refers to the parent the child lives with, and legal custody is used to describe which parent has the right to make important decisions about the child’s life,…

Why equally shared co-parenting requires flexibility

Increasingly, divorcing parents are working out 50/50 custody agreements so that they can both remain involved in their children’s lives. While sharing parenting time equally is often best for the…

3 ways your ex could try to reduce your marital estate

The law in North Carolina protects your right to a fair share of your marital estate when you divorce. Whatever you and your spouse bought together or earned while married…

Why you need a professional to price your home in a divorce

The house that you bought and lived in during your marriage likely represents hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of income and investment by both you and your spouse. Some…

Minimize the stress of transition days for your children

Transition days are sometimes a huge source of stress for children. They may worry that they will have to see their parents being unkind to each other. There isn’t really…

Should you worry about hidden assets in your upcoming divorce?

It could take weeks for you to complete an inventory of your assets and figure out what might be fair in a divorce. Trying to split your property can be…