Author Archives: Hilary St. Louis

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In some divorces, one spouse may suddenly turn into a bully

One of the most disturbing things people discover when getting a divorce in Concord, North Carolina, is how easily an otherwise reasonable person turns into a bully. As you know,…

Is your marriage over? Here’s how you can tell

If you’re together with someone long enough, you’re bound to encounter a few rough patches along the way. Life gets stressful, people change and sometimes even the best of couples…

Co-parents should start planning for summer now

Suppose your shared custody arrangement with your co-parent is still relatively new. In that case, you’re probably still getting used to working out the issues in your school-year schedule. However,…

Postnuptial agreements can protect your business in a divorce

The business that you run can be worth as much as your family home, if not more. Between the income it generates and the assets you have purchased for the…

How do some divorcing spouses unfairly alter the property division process?

The North Carolina family courts use equitable distribution to split up your property during a divorce. Unless you have a marital agreement with your spouse, you can expect that the…

The pandemic’s profound effects on married couples and divorce

The effects of the pandemic on Cabarrus County and the rest of the nation have often been significant as stay-at-home orders changed the way Americans work, go to school and…

3 financial mistakes to avoid during divorce

Disputes over money are some of the most common areas of contention for married couples, and that financial discord typically continues when spouses decide they can’t stay together. It’s advisable…

Which post-divorce parenting style best fits your family?

When parents decide to end their marriage, the biggest concern is their children’s well-being. While children of divorce can still thrive, it’s much more challenging if parents can no longer…

Work with an expert when pursuing child custody modification

When couples reach a child custody agreement or when a court issues a child custody order, it isn’t always the case that the arrangement ends up working out. Fortunately, child…

Legal divorce may not always coincide with religious traditions

As readers may know, North Carolina law permits a no-fault divorce. In such a divorce proceeding, one party does not have to establish that the other spouse was at fault…

How to co-parent after divorce

Finishing a divorce can feel like a major weight has come off your shoulders. Weeks or months of negotiation, document collection, and court dates have finally finished, and you can…

3 tips to successful joint custody parenting

Following an acrimonious divorce, it’s common for there to be bad blood between exes. You may be ready to close the door on that chapter of your life altogether, and…

Advice from divorcées: own your financial future

In the majority of marriages in the United States, the husband makes all of the financial planning decisions on behalf of the couple. This statistic holds true across generations –…

Multi-state residency: In which state should you file for divorce?

Jurisdictional issues may sometimes come into play in a divorce. In some cases, it may be possible to file for divorce in multiple states. This can happen, for instance, when…

Timing of divorce filing can make a difference

In any profession, there are things you don’t learn until you get on the job. Once you’ve been practicing family law for a number of years, you start to notice…