Author Archives: Hilary St. Louis

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Why you don’t have to give up on homeschooling your kids after a divorce

For thousands of parents across the country, homeschooling their children is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Homeschool by itself comes with its fair share of challenges. Divorce almost always makes…

Back-to-school co-parenting: how to support online learning

Back to school is always a busy time of year – arranging pick-ups from soccer practice, attending piano recitals and purchasing school supplies. But this year, it’s a whole new…

How to tell your adult children that you’re divorcing

The divorce rate in the U.S. has been steadily climbing for decades. But for adults over 50, this growth has been markedly higher than other demographics. So-called “gray divorce” is…

How delinquent child support can hurt you over the long term

The economy has taken a dive in recent months. Unemployment is up, and those with jobs may feel less secure about their income stability. In such a financially precarious situation,…

Divorce considerations: should you keep your marital home?

You and your spouse have decided to part ways. Unless you have already outlined how your shared assets will be split – in the form of a prenuptial or postnuptial…

Student loan debt obligations in a North Carolina divorce

The cost of higher education is steeper than it’s ever been, and most people don’t have the funds to pay for their tuition out of pocket. Consequently, the number of…

The importance of a co-parenting plan for the pandemic

The global pandemic has created unique stress and hurdles for each of us. For those of us with children and custody agreements to manage, these challenges may be even greater.…

What should North Carolina stepparents know about adoption?

When you marry someone with children from a previous relationship, you aren’t just recognizing your relationship. You are also taking an important step toward building a family. For some stepparents…

How long will I have to pay alimony after my divorce?

As the primary earner in your marriage, you may view alimony, also known as postseparation support, as a cause for worry—especially if you are in your 30s or 40s. You…

How do judges make child custody decisions?

Issues surrounding child custody are one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce proceeding. In a perfect world, parents would be able to reach an easy custody agreement with…

Exercise can improve your mental health during divorce

Divorce has a profound effect on your emotions. This is no surprise. The time you and your spouse have invested together, plans you’ve made, and the comfort of a shared…

Who gets the dog in a North Carolina divorce?

You remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe you and your spouse answered an ad, maybe you visited the dog pound together. Or maybe your spouse just surprised you. Perhaps…

DNA doesn’t always make the rules in divorce

You and your partner have decided to go separate ways, but your stepchildren still need you. Do you have any rights after the divorce? There are no longer ties between…

How to avoid common financial problems in a divorce

When the decision to get a divorce is made, it can often be a time of high emotion for everyone involved. This sometimes means that there is a rush to…

4 tips for using social media properly during a divorce

The Pew Research Center states that approximately seven out of every 10 Americans use social media in some form, and you are likely part of this large group. Social media…