Category Archives: Child Custody & Parenting Plans

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Teenage struggles during divorce can cause stress and anxiety

As a parent, it is your responsibility to do whatever you can to help your children get through difficult times. During a divorce, your teenager may have difficulties that they…

Co-parents should start planning for summer now

Suppose your shared custody arrangement with your co-parent is still relatively new. In that case, you’re probably still getting used to working out the issues in your school-year schedule. However,…

Which post-divorce parenting style best fits your family?

When parents decide to end their marriage, the biggest concern is their children’s well-being. While children of divorce can still thrive, it’s much more challenging if parents can no longer…

Work with an expert when pursuing child custody modification

When couples reach a child custody agreement or when a court issues a child custody order, it isn’t always the case that the arrangement ends up working out. Fortunately, child…

3 tips to successful joint custody parenting

Following an acrimonious divorce, it’s common for there to be bad blood between exes. You may be ready to close the door on that chapter of your life altogether, and…

Why you don’t have to give up on homeschooling your kids after a divorce

For thousands of parents across the country, homeschooling their children is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Homeschool by itself comes with its fair share of challenges. Divorce almost always makes…

Back-to-school co-parenting: how to support online learning

Back to school is always a busy time of year – arranging pick-ups from soccer practice, attending piano recitals and purchasing school supplies. But this year, it’s a whole new…

The importance of a co-parenting plan for the pandemic

The global pandemic has created unique stress and hurdles for each of us. For those of us with children and custody agreements to manage, these challenges may be even greater.…

How do judges make child custody decisions?

Issues surrounding child custody are one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce proceeding. In a perfect world, parents would be able to reach an easy custody agreement with…

DNA doesn’t always make the rules in divorce

You and your partner have decided to go separate ways, but your stepchildren still need you. Do you have any rights after the divorce? There are no longer ties between…

Circumstances may merit a modification in custody

There is no doubt that as a parent, you significantly influence your children’s lives. No matter your income level, walk of life or marital status, you enjoy spending time with…

Finding a custody schedule that works for my child

Divorce is more complicated when children are involved. It’s more than just you and your ex parting ways – your child’s future hangs in the balance as well. This means…

3 things to remember before crafting a child custody agreement

One of the most difficult parts of divorce is making decisions about the custody of your children. A thousand questions are probably running through your head: Who will have them…

In a divorce, don’t underestimate the role of grandparents

Grandparent relationships with grandchildren vary widely from family to family. In some families, grandparents may live across the country, and grandchildren may only spend time with them on holidays. In…

Keeping your family safe while following a custody order

While the current pandemic forces most families to stay at home, it can create anxious or contentious circumstances for some when it comes to following provisions outlined in a child…