Like most other states, North Carolina calculates child support based on a set of standard guidelines. The guidelines spell out how parents will share the cost of raising their children when they no longer live together. This means the guidelines apply equally to parents who separate or divorce and those who were never married in the first place.
While the guidelines are fairly straightforward, many parents need help understanding how they will apply to their unique situations. Only an experienced family law attorney can help you determine that, but here are some of the basics.
First and foremost, North Carolina’s child support guidelines assume that children have a right to be supported by their parents. This means that parents cannot choose to forego their responsibility to provide financially for their children.
Secondly, the guidelines assume both parents will contribute to their children’s care using a “shared income” model. According to this model, the amount each parent contributes will be based proportionally on their individual income. The goal is to have each parent contribute the same amount they would have if parents had stayed together.
Other determining factors include the child’s specific needs and the general costs of raising a child in North Carolina, which is based on economic data from the Center for Policy Research and reviewed every four years.
Therefore, any final award should be able to meet both the child’s needs and each parent’s financial circumstances.
Because of the shared income model, the mathematical formula used by the guidelines starts with each parent’s gross annual income. The guidelines define “income” broadly. Income could include everything from actual wages, dividends and bonuses to self-employed income, in-kind payments, gifts or prize money, and regular “maintenance” from third parties like grandparents or relatives who provide housing or financial assistance for a single parent. Even one-time or irregular financial gifts can be included by averaging or prorating the amount over a specific time period.
Income does not include things like government assistance benefits, other child support payments received from a different family, or employer contributions made to medical, disability or retirement benefits.
Once income has been established, the guidelines then seek to ensure that the basic needs of the child will be met. It will ask parents to consider things like:
As with all things this technical, your lawyer can help you navigate North Carolina’s child support guidelines, including determining whether a deviation from them is warranted.