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How North Carolina calculates child support

Like most other states, North Carolina calculates child support based on a set of standard guidelines. The guidelines spell out how parents will share the cost of raising their children…

The problem of financial infidelity

Financial conflict plays a role in the demise of many marriages. Hidden financial assets or “financial infidelity” can wreak havoc on a relationship. Financial infidelity refers to when a partner…

Why more couples are getting divorced later in life

We all know that divorce is more common than it used to be. However, it may surprise you to learn that while divorce rates have actually fallen among younger couples…

Can a change in circumstance lead to a change in alimony?

Your alimony arrangement doesn’t have to last forever. Certain types of life changes can make you eligible for an alimony modification. Today we examine five common changes in circumstance that…

Discrimination suit: refugee adoption by same-sex couple banned

Fatma Marouf is a law professor in Texas, specializing in immigration and refugee law. She travels around the country, giving lectures and engaging in other activities to support refugee rights.…

Dealing with financial dishonesty during divorce

Infidelity is often given as a reason for getting divorced. As it turns out, infidelity is not limited to the bedroom. A recent survey finds that many people consider financial…

What is the process of adopting my stepchild in North Carolina?

Last year was a pivotal time in your life. You met a wonderful woman, and you couldn’t imagine spending the rest of your life without her. Then you met her…

Can my military status hurt my chances for child custody?

Being in the military can lead to a somewhat unpredictable lifestyle. You might be deployed overseas at the drop of a hat, or you could be restationed to another state.…

Federal judge allows lawsuit against Applebee’s mandatory tipping

Former customers at a string of New York City-based Applebee’s restaurants are suing over a forced tipping system, which the plaintiffs argue should be voluntary. At the restaurants in question,…

Prenups on the rise among millennials

The millennial generation—the subset of the population born between 1981 and 1997—is approaching marriage differently than in previous generations. It’s preparing for the possibility of divorce. Recent years have seen…

Can a postnuptial agreement be good for your marriage?

You’ve probably heard of a prenuptial agreement—a contract a couple makes prior to wedding that defines the way in which property will be distributed in the event of a divorce.…

Don’t delete that post – everything is evidence

With the rise in the popularity of social media come the inevitable issues that stem from its common use as a form of communication. Divorce is not exempt from the…

Tips for creating a property settlement

In a previous post, we talked about the requirements of receiving equitable distribution in your divorce. One factor that can help you avoid equitable distribution in North Carolina is if…

When equitable distribution may not be equal distribution

In our last post, we talked about the North Carolina law that allows for equitable distribution of property in divorces. What exactly does an equitable (fair) division or property mean,…

How the new military retirement system impacts divorce law

In a previous post, we explored the process of military divorce in North Carolina. Today we will examine how a new military retirement program can affect families in the event…