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Missing this deadline can mean losing your property in a divorce

In North Carolina, divorcing couples have a right to “equitable distribution” of property. Equitable distribution refers to a court-ordered division of property between spouses that is considered “fair”—which often, but…

2 Online Tools To Facilitate Effective Co-Parenting Communication

Raising children involves keeping them busy and managing their day-to-day schedules. Whether this includes multiple extracurricular activities, school events or medical appointments, a family calendar can help. A family calendar…

What happens when a military couple divorces in North Carolina?

If you or your spouse is in the military and you choose to divorce, you will file for divorce in the state in which you live. If you claim North…

A key final step in any international adoption

After spending months preparing yourself and your home for a new child, and spending thousands of dollars in adoption fees, you’ve just returned from China with your new baby daughter,…

Could you lose your dog in a divorce?

Divorce involves the dividing of shared property when two people no longer wish to be married. Historically, the court has lumped pets into this category of “property”, which means you…

Marital misconduct such as gambling can affect your divorce

Betsy and Steve* lived in a nice, upper middle class home. Betsy was an emergency room nurse and Steve worked in a mattress factory. They had one child. They both…

How the proposed tax reform could affect alimony

Divorce and politics don’t always go hand-in-hand. However, that can change very quickly when family laws and legal procedures are up for debate — and when there is money on…

3 reasons why it might help to treat a co-parent like a co-worker

Think about someone with whom you have to work but don’t necessarily like. You might make small talk occasionally, but ultimately, you’d rather not hear too much about his or…

Disputes over ‘best interests of the child’ can wind up in court

Divorcing or divorced parents are likely quite familiar with the phrase “best interests of the child.” This is the standard that courts, mediators and parents are supposed to use when…

3 things men should not believe during a divorce

Divorce is an upsetting event for any person going through it. However, men are also often battling against outdated beliefs and slowly changing laws, which can further complicate matters. Men…

3 scary scenarios for parents sharing custody this Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and your kids may be counting down the days until they can dress up and celebrate. As a parent, though, you may think differently…

Divorce: Is it in our genes?

People who grow up with divorced parents often say that they want to avoid raising their own kids in a similar situation. Unfortunately, this could be harder than you think…

What Does Employment At Will Mean To A Business Owner

Every company should have an employee handbook. These handbooks lay out the expectations of both the employee and the employer. Many states, employers and employees view the handbook as a…

Business owners: Be sure your non-compete agreements are valid

One of the many tools that business owners may use to protect themselves from legal disputes is a non-compete agreement. These agreements allow an employer to restrict employees from leaving…

What will happen to my 401(k) in my divorce?

Dividing marital assets is unavoidable in any North Carolina divorce. That being said, you can and should take steps to protect the assets you value most, which could include your…