Concord Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

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Concord Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

A lot of things go into preparing for a wedding. It can be an exciting and stressful time, but with the help of a wedding planner, you can have peace of mind and a plan in place. The same goes for signing a prenuptial agreement. With the assistance of a Concord prenuptial agreement lawyer, you can enter into marriage knowing you have a clearly outlined plan for your property and assets.

What Is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a “prenup,” is a legal contract dictating how a couple’s assets, property, and debts will be managed in the event of divorce or death.

Signing a prenup will help you in many ways, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Protecting your financial interests: you and your spouse may have different financial goals than one another, so outlining those goals preemptively may help you feel freed up to continue pursuing those interests.
  • Specifying how your property will be divided: when you get married, your property belongs to three separate categories: marital property, separate property, and commingled property. If there are any assets you would like to keep separate, a prenuptial can be a beneficial tool to keep them from becoming marital or commingled properties. 
  • Outlining the terms of alimony: Alimony can be an emotional and tricky process to navigate, but having a plan in place prior to a potential divorce may ease some of the confusion.
  • Protecting assets for children from a former marriage or relationship: If you have children from a previous relationship, it is a good idea to keep anything you may want them to inherit in the event of your death separate from the assets you will share with your new spouse.
  • Protecting your wealth in the event of a divorce: While no one likes to think about divorce at the start of a marriage, it is wise to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Having a prenup helps you keep the wealth, assets, and property you acquired prior to marriage separate from your spouse’s.

Prenuptials are a powerful tool for bringing clarity and preparation to the start of your marriage. While death and divorce are not very cheerful to think about, it is always better to be prepared now than confused later.

Having help from a skilled law team can make a big difference when it comes to getting the most out of your prenuptial agreement. Not only will they guide you through the various legal complexities, but they will also offer emotional support, celebrating your marriage with you and ensuring it starts out on the right financial and legal footing.

Who Needs a Prenuptial Agreement?

There is no specific amount of money or assets you need to get a prenup. However, a prenup is generally a good idea if any of the following applies to you:

  • You have any children from a previous marriage
  • You own a business or are a part of a family business
  • You have significant assets you would like to keep separate
  • You are concerned about the amount of debt your spouse is bringing into your marriage
  • You are giving up a financially successful career to get married

Each marriage is unique, and each prenuptial agreement mirrors that fact. It is easy to become overwhelmed by trying to discern what you should factor into your personal prenup, which is why the first step you can take is contacting a Concord prenuptial agreement lawyer. Their experience and guidance will help you and your spouse prepare for a marriage free from estate-related confusion.

What Are the Prenuptial Agreement Requirements?

For a prenup to be considered valid and legal in the state of North Carolina, it must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be in writing
  • It must be signed by both parties prior to the wedding
  • Both parties must sign it willingly without coercion
  • It must be created with full disclosure
  • Both parties should have their own attorney partake in the prenup drafting process

It is wise to involve a Concord prenuptial agreement lawyer in the drafting process. They will be able to help you and your spouse ensure that you cover all of the essential steps, arriving at an agreed-upon plan that brings you both peace of mind.

Concord Prenuptial Agreement FAQs

Q: What Kind of Lawyer Do I Need for a Prenuptial Agreement?

A: There are two options when it comes to deciding what lawyer is suitable for prenup proceedings: a family lawyer or a prenuptial agreement lawyer. While family lawyers are equipped to assist you with the various legal steps, you may benefit from a lawyer whose exclusive focus is prenuptial agreements.

Q: What Is the Average Price of a Prenup?

A: In the state of North Carolina, the price of a prenup will vary based on the complexity level of each party’s financial situation. If you and your spouse both have significant assets and you wish to keep them separate, your case may require more time and money. The complexity level of the assets themselves may also be a factor.

Q: Do You Need Two Separate Lawyers for a Prenup?

A: It is both highly common and highly recommended that you have two separate lawyers when drafting a prenup agreement in Concord, NC. This will enable both parties to protect their interests, advocate for their desired outcomes, and ensure that the agreement is deemed fair. Having two lawyers involved will also help prevent easily made mistakes from occurring, and their shared knowledge can be a huge asset for developing a thorough, well-thought-out plan.

Q: How Much Money Should You Have to Get a Prenup?

A: In the state of North Carolina, there is no set amount of money required to get a prenuptial agreement. Rather, you may want to factor in things like you or your spouse having children from a previous marriage, the amount of debt you or your spouse may have, and self or family-owned business benefits.

Taking the First Step

Starting your marriage out with a well-crafted prenuptial agreement means starting out on the same page. The team at Lancaster and St. Louis is ready to help you and your spouse make the first move toward a more peaceful marriage. Contact us today for a consultation.

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